
The 1994 Rwandan Genocide is a tragedy which the world has not, up to date, been able to recover from due to its subsisting side effects. Due to the impact of the genocide, many children were orphaned. This study sought discuss the efforts that have been made for those orphans, and then to discuss community level barriers which affected post-genocide assistance programs for orphans and vulnerable youths in Rwanda. Research has shown that the medical, psychological, educational, and social assistance which the Rwandan government and several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have provided in order to cater for the orphans and vulnerable youths have been inefficient. This study utilised a qualitative approach by means of compiling findings from literature analysis. The researcher recommends that, the assistance programs should integrate the orphans and youths whom they assist into mainstream society as opposed to keeping them secluded and excluded in rehabilitation centres

Categories: Violations

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