The Role of Residential Homes in the Care of Orphans Affected by HIV


There is a general recognition in the international development community that children in situations of vulnerability – particularly if orphaned – should remain in their extended families or communities. Placing children in residential care should be a ‘last resort’ solution (UNICEF 1989, 2007; OAU 1999). This is to protect them from the negative outcomes observed in residential care, including abandonment of the child, reliance on access to food and education and restricted emotional development (Morantz and Heymann 2010; Van Vilsteren et al. 2011). The 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child ‘recognises the critical role of the family in the development, care and support of the child’ (UNICEF 2006). The 2003 Stockholm Declaration on Children and Residential Care advises ‘institutional care only as a last resort and as a temporary response’ (Knorth et al. 2007 citing Anglin and Knorth 2004, 141, emphasis in the original). While this policy is sensible and is used to guide many community support development programs, there are circumstances where a child can face abuse and rejection from exactly those from whom love, nurturing and support is expected.

Amandine Bollinger | source: Childhood, Youth and Violence in Global Contexts 161 |
Categories: Care

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