Orphans and Vulnerable Children Affected by HIV and AIDS


HIV and AIDS have exacted a terrible toll on children and their families. During the 30 years of the global HIV epidemic, an estimated 17 million children lost one or both parents due to AIDS. Ninety percent of these children live in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, 3.4 million children under age 15 are living with HIV. Despite some decline in HIV adult prevalence worldwide and increased access to treatment, the number of children afected by or vulnerable to HIV remains alarmingly high. Families and communities have led a massive response to protect, care for and support children afected by HIV and AIDS. Since 2003, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has provided more than $2 billion in funding and technical support to greatly enhance these eforts. These investments have enabled children to stay in school, strengthened households and ensured families continue their roles as primary caregivers.

| source: USAID 187 |
Categories: Health

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