Subjective Well-Being of Orphans


This study aims to examine the differences of life satisfaction and happines of orphans raised in Islamic orphanages based on their sosiodemographic status. The research questions are whether there is a difference in life satisfaction and happiness – as components of subjective well-being – of orphans in terms of characteristic of orphanages, sex of orphans, and family status. The study is preliminary of Research and Development which aims to develop mindful parenting program in Islamic orphanage by involving orphans and caregivers in the process of research. The sample of the research is 49 children aged 6- 13 years (14 boys and 35 girls) lived in orphanages located in Bandung, West Java. The life satisfaction data was collected using Multidimensional Life Satisfaction Scale (MLSS) from Huebner (2001) adapted into Indonesian contained five domain i.e. family¸ self, friends, school, and living environment, while the happiness data was collected using open-ended questions compiled by researchers. The empirical tests show that orphans who live in ‘girls’ (homogeneous) orphanage are more satisfied on living environment and happier than those who live in ‘boys and girls’ (heterogeneous) orphanage, there is no difference life satisfaction and happiness between girls and boys, and the orphans whose parents separated are less satisfied and less happy than orphans whose parents are complete or one of them already passed away. The descriptive data indicates 86,67% of orphans in homogeneous orphanage are happy, while only 38,89% orphans in heterogeneous orphanage are happy. The data obtained provides a basis for the researchers to develop a draft of mindful parenting program to be examine and implemented in Islamic orphanage in Bandung, West Java.

Tina Hayati Dahlan Diah Zaleha Wyandini Viena Rusmiati Hasanah | source: American Scientific Publishers 171 |
Categories: Psychology Sociology

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