AIDS-Affected Orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Scoping Review on Outcome Differences in Rural and Urban Environments
Currently, there are more than 11 million AIDS-affected orphans that suffer from various adverse effects, most of whom reside in sub-Saharan Africa. The difference between whether a child resides in a rural or urban environment can have a significant role in a child’s education, health status and access to healthcare, and social or family relationships. A scoping review was conducted in order to understand any possible environment-based differences on orphans directly affected by HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. There were 233 sources used for this review; however, 164 manuscripts focused more so on a general review of orphans within a rural or urban environment. Thus, after eliminating for various factors, 69 manuscripts were removed, which focused primarily on the social aspect of orphans due to HIV/AIDS. Rural environments provided more family support, while urban environments generally had more resources available to orphans (e.g. school fees). Unfortunately, both rural and urban environments were found to be fairly non-supportive of orphans and their development. This scoping review found, in general, that orphans in both urban and rural environments continue to suffer from the consequential effects of low parental support due to AIDS mortality. These conclusions suggest that specific support to orphans through school and social relationships encourage better development outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa.
Categories: Sociology Health
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