Prevalence and Care Practices of Epileptic Seizure among Children in Orphan and Vulnerable Children Homes in Abeokuta, Nigeria


This study focused on care and prevalence of epileptic seizure among children in orphans and vulnerable children homes in Abeokuta. Specifically, it determined: prevalence of epileptic seizure across gender and age; involvement in the care of victims and ascertain the attitude of uninfected children towards the victim. It was a survey research. Two types of questionnaire were used for data collection. One was completed by caregivers while the other was completed by the Admin officers/managers. A complete enumeration of 105 respondents comprising of personnel’s who are directly involved in the care of the children in the selected registered homes was done. Data were analysed using frequencies, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Results show that epileptic seizure in orphan and vulnerable children’s home is common among the male in their early adolescence period (10-16 years). Prevalence rate as at 2016 stands at 2.92%; consisting of 4.28% of the total male children population and 0.96% of the total female children population.

Ariyo M. A Adeboye A. O. Tanimowo A. A | source: Journal of Hydro-environment Research 200 |
Categories: Health

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