The role of culture in psychosocial development of orphans and vulnerable children


Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) remain a pressing challenge for many countries in sub-Saharan Africa due to HIV/AIDS. In the face of the HIV/AIDS pandemic the study reveals that many OVC experience psychosocial problems. However, the psychosocial needs of OVC are downplayed to a certain extent and the emphasis has so far been mostly on their physical needs. The findings indicate that the country’s intervention programmes focus on the children’s physical needs and neglect their psychosocial needs. The findings suggest that there is an urgent need to improve current intervention programmes so that they not only meet physical needs but also include psychosocial support. To address these challenges, culturally appropriate psychometric tools and reliable outcome measures for psychosocial support initiative will need to be developed.

S'lungile K. Thwala | source: International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 144 |
Categories: Psychology Sociology

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