Role of Orphanages to Uplift the Socio-Economic Status of Orphans Focusing on SOS Children’s Villages in Punjab, Pakistan


The present study has been designed to examine the effect of the upbringing environment on the development of orphan children and their achievement. This study also explores the socio-economic status of orphans regarding the role of the institution. Three save our soul children’s village i.e. Multan, Faisalabad and Lahore were selected as a population of the present study. The simple random sampling technique was used to draw the sample from the target population; about 125 respondents (i.e. Orphans) in the age group of 8 to 14 years were selected for interview. A well designed questionnaire was used to gather the information from children who were living in save our soul children’s village. The study found that save our soul children village plays an important role in the life of orphans as majority of the children were satisfied with all the facilities. It resulted in, save our soul children village is one of the major organizations working in Pakistan that provide a peaceful shelter with all the basic necessities (food, education, health care) to vulnerable children and orphans. Finally, there was an interaction between children’s upbringing environment and effortful control of the institution, because of the environments they live in make them useful citizens of the society.

Madieha Akram Faiza Anjum Nida Akram | source: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 169 |
Categories: Health Education Economy

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