Keyword List
wellbeingMental health of HIV/AIDS orphans
Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is one of the best known deadly diseases in the world, due to its devastating impact…
Psychosocial problems and well being in institutionalized and non institutionalized children
Background: Most of the research conclusively states that institutionalization of children has an adverse impact on their development, growth, and health. Institutionalized…
Enhancing Psychosocial Support through Positive Youth Development: Narratives from Orphans in Zimbabwe
Due to the AIDS pandemic more and more youths are losing their parents. They are usually left with caregivers and in Zimbabwe these are usually people from the…
Risk and protective factors for mental health and wellbeing among adolescent orphans
Background: Research has demonstrated the importance of understanding risk factors for mental health and wellbeing. Less research has focused on protective factors…