Keyword List


‘Children without a family should come out!’: sociocultural barriers affecting the implementation of interventions among orphans and vulnerable children in Nigeria

The increasing vulnerability of children and experiences of childhood violence in many parts of the world have gained traction in academic and policy discourses.…

The Role of Residential Homes in the Care of Orphans Affected by HIV

There is a general recognition in the international development community that children in situations of vulnerability – particularly if orphaned – should remain…

Policy implications of the inadequate support systems for orphans in Western Kenya

This paper describes the support systems available for orphans in a rural Luo community in Nyang'oma sub-location in Bondo District of Western Kenya. Qualitative…

Perceptions of children and community members concerning the circumstances of orphans in rural Zimbabwe

Focus group discussions and interviews were held with 40 orphans, 25 caretakers and 33 other community workers from a rural area near Mutare, Zimbabwe. Orphan concerns…

The extent of community and public support available to families caring for orphans in Malawi

There are an estimated 15 million AIDS orphans worldwide. Families play an important role in safeguarding orphans, but they may be increasingly compromised by the…