Keyword List
childA qualitative study examining psychosocial distress and coping mechanisms among orphan and vulnerable children living in institutional care in New Delhi, India
Introduction: India is home to the largest population of orphaned children in the South Asia, who are at increased risk of poor psychosocial well-being. In the…
Adult Psychosocial Functioning of Children Raised in an Orphanage
Recently there has been a resurgence of interest among policy-makers regarding the feasibility of using orphanage care for some of society's dependent children.…
Variations in pediatric HIV status disclosure between the orphanage and the community in Ethiopia
Past studies on pediatric HIV disclosure have not investigated the variations across childcare settings. This study explored pediatric HIV disclosure for children…
The Right to Basic Education for Orphans and Vulnerable Children: Is Kenya Up to the Challenge?
The right to basic education is a key component of a child’s survival, protection and development. This is particularly important with regard to Orphaned and Vulnerable…
Orphans of the Mexican drug war: insights on a public health challenge
Objective. To describe how the Government of Mexico and other direct stakeholders perceive children orphaned by the drug war; to determine the current measures…
Children and teenagers living in orphanages victims of violence: dilemmas and nursing perspectives
This article aimed to understand the nursing care provided to children/teenagers victims of violence living in orphanages and to identify the strategies used on…