Keyword List

Sub-Saharan Africa

Physical and sexual abuse in orphaned compared to non-orphaned children in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis

This systematic review assessed the quantitative literature to determine whether orphans are more likely to experience physical and/or sexual abuse compared to…

Asset ownership and health and mental health functioning among AIDS-orphaned adolescents: Findings from a randomized clinical trial in rural Uganda

This study evaluated an economic empowerment intervention designed to promote life options, health and mental health functioning among AIDS-orphaned adolescents…

Towards a Definition of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children

The HIV epidemic presents challenges including orphans and a large mass of children rendered vulnerable by the epidemic and other societal forces. Focus on orphaned…

Neglect and perceived stigmatization impact psychological distress of orphans in Tanzania

Background: Research has shown that orphans in sub-Saharan Africa are at increased risk for mental health problems. Exposure to maltreatment and HIV/AIDS-related…


We examine the impact of orphanage on the living arrangements and school enrollment of children in Sub-Saharan Africa, using data from 19 Demographic and Health…

Psychological distress among orphaned youth and youth reporting sexual exploitation in Kampala, Uganda

Psychological distress is a priority health issue in low- and middle-income countries; however, it is inadequately addressed among vulnerable youth living in extremely…

Moving towards inclusive education policies and practices? Basic education for AIDS orphans and other vulnerable children in Zambia

The global spread of HIV and AIDS has presented a major threat to development, affecting the health of the poor and many aspects of social and economic development.…

AIDS-Affected Orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Scoping Review on Outcome Differences in Rural and Urban Environments

Currently, there are more than 11 million AIDS-affected orphans that suffer from various adverse effects, most of whom reside in sub-Saharan Africa. The difference…

Measuring Symptoms of Psychopathology in Zambian Orphans and Vulnerable Children: Scale Validation and Psychometric Evaluation

There is a paucity of validated mental health measures for assessing psychological well-being among HIV-affected youth. We sought to explore the psychometric properties…

Alternative care options and social protection policy choices to support orphans and vulnerable children : a comparative study of Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau

The number of orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa reached 51,900,000 in 2013. There has been limited research, particularly in the countries of Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau,…

Nutritional and Food Security Status of Orphans and Vulnerable Children: Report of a Research Project supported by UNICEF, IFPRI, and WFP

The HIV epidemic has created over 10 million orphans in sub-Saharan Africa and countless other children are affected by the disease, whether by living with a parent…

Social protection of Africa's orphans and vulnerable children - issues and good practices program options

HIV/AIDS, and violent conflicts are giving rise to a massive generation of orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa. The region currently has about 13 million orphans, most…

Models of care for orphaned and separated children and upholding children’s rights: cross-sectional evidence from western Kenya

Background: Sub-Saharan Africa is home to approximately 55 million orphaned children. The growing orphan crisis has overwhelmed many communities and has weakened…

In the Spirit of Ubuntu: Enforcing the Rights of Orphans and Vulnerable Children Affected by HIV/AIDS in South Africa

The human immunodeficiency virus ("HIV") and acquired immune deficiency syndrome ("AIDS") have plagued the African continent. In sub-Saharan Africa, the hardest…