Keyword List


Focusing on caregivers: the experiences of women caregivers caring for orphans and vulnerable children at Crossroads Child and Youth Care Center, Matatiele.

The concept of caregiving is at the centre of current political, social, cultural and economic debates globally. Under capitalism, care and caregiving are socially…

Livelihood Strategies and Nutritional Status of Grandparent Caregivers of AIDS Orphans in Nyando District, Kenya

Although the growing role of grandparents as primary caregivers of AIDS orphans in sub-Saharan Africa has been established by previous research, few scholars have…

Caregiving Stress and Adjustment Problems of Kenyan Orphans Raised by Grandmothers

The present study compared levels of caregiving stress among 115 biological mothers and 134 grandmothers raising their orphaned grandchildren. The associations…